Saturday, March 5, 2011

When halfway out is 3/4 ways back

There comes a point in every walk when you start for home. It's not necessarily the midway, but it is a feeling that comes over and says - enough ! Back now.
Where on the way out, you're watching, learning, absorbing and enjoying. You're busy, you're active. The return point is marked therefore not so much by a point or place, but by a change in attitude.

Every walk has it's own place, the 'highlight' ! The best will have this point somewhere out past midpoint - the further along the route the better. Some may go so far as to have a different highlight each time on the same route. Was it the weather or the company? Perhaps ones own mood set the highlight.

This isn't necessarily a metaphor for life, though the closer I look, maybe it is. How getting older is a frame of mind. How constantly exploring things and learning keeps you on the outward journey and younger. Old age only arriving after you've accepted 'enough now' home !

I'll keep my thoughts away from the metaphor for a while. I'm too busy enjoying life learning, walking, watching and raising the kids ever to think I've started the return journey. I use physical walks to enjoy nature, take photo's and explore ideas and places.

My favourite is Glendalough, Wicklow. Every trip brings back a different memory. Some scenic, some spiritual. And it's ancient - but nowhere is it or I over halfway out - yet !

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