Sunday, May 1, 2011

Busy weeks

It's been a hectic time this last week or 2. Hectic, frantic, all consuming even - but very, very fulfilling.
Amongst things was the chance to press the trigger on the new camera in a way I haven't done in many years.
2 occasions prompted its use for charity, fundraisers for schools. A cake sale for my own kids school and a 10km road race for my friends kids school. Hopefully they raise the funds they wanted.
The 10K race - that's still so fresh in the mind, I haven't quite calmed down from it. over 200 people runnning, jogging or walking. My brother and I and a third photographer we met there doing our best to capture the event in a way I hope the runners might like, documenting their efforts. The fun bit for me was doing fast action street photography. The adrenelin rush as through the viewfinder, an image was presenting and had to be captured instantly or it was gone. Such a difference from trying to compose a landscape image ! Over a thousand images between my Brother and I - online here if you have time:

And then to best it all, the fastest game in the world today - Dublin the winners for the first time since 1939 in a hurling league final. Don't know what hurling is? check it out here and enjoy: There were tears in the eyes - but I'm sure that was just the wind blowing - right ?

There was more to fill the weeks, Family, Work, Plumbing, Glendalough, Dublin night photoshoot... but really this weekend just blew it all for adrenelin.
Busy weeks !